Client 341: Fractures in the lower thoracic and lumber spine causing the narrowing of the spinal chanel. Fibrocystic Lungs.
We recently were able to spend a wonderful week's respite break at Sandpipers, Southport , a holiday care facility run by Revitalise for people living with many and varied disabilities.
My husband, aged 85 has fractures occurring in his lower back and narrowing of his spinal canal,also COPD which results in minimum mobility and having to use an electric scooter to move about together with oxygen 24/7. This precludes us from enjoying many places as access is often impossible and this has resulted in a severe lowering of our wellbeing as we felt isolated from contact with people and life in general.
However, through C.S.Disabled Holidays most generous grant, which enabled us to go to Sandpipers, we both feel that our lives have opened up again. The staff at Sandpipers were so kind and caring and we greatly enjoyed the company of the other guests. We visited various places and were taken on an excursion to Lake Windermere, which was delightful. We feel that we are living again and can face the future.We also have many lovely memories.
Thank you so much to your organisation and to everyone who works so hard to support people such as ourselves. We have benefited greatly and are most grateful to you all.