"We have no words to express our deepest appreciation for enabling us to enjoy our relaxing holiday and breathe in the fresh sea air surrounded by our dear family who help us continuously. This will surely give us the strength to continue with our challenging situation."
Why we do what we do
"Thank you for the freedom, I have a new taste for life and feel I have left one lifetime behind in exchange for another."
— Serena, 2021
CS Disabled Holidays is a charity founded 10 years ago by the family and friends of Robin Cavendish.
Robin was seriously disabled by polio in 1958, aged 28. He and his wife Diana, a patron of the charity, recognised how crucial it is for disabled people and their carers to have a holiday or respite break. They worked throughout their lives for that cause. Robin always acknowledged that his and Diana’s lives were transformed by their ability to go on holiday, to take a break, both separately and together.
Currently in the UK there are one and a quarter million people who are wheelchair dependent. The vast majority of severely disabled people are unable to work full-time, while facing considerable extra costs, especially relating to energy, transport, care and equipment.
CSDH believes that disabled people, and carers, need a holiday or a respite break more than any other group in the UK. Without our help, many disabled people cannot afford to go away, to get the change of scene they so desperately need.
We offer grants of up to £2000 per year to individuals over 18 who are severely physically disabled by a neurological illness or condition towards the cost of a holiday of their choice. We also offer up to £2000 per year in grant to similarly disabled individuals between 16 and 25 towards the cost of an educational or training trip anywhere in the world.
"Much of my life has been spent watching the television or staring out of the window. A holiday gave me something to look forward to, and something to remember with endless pleasure. My wife Diana has always been my primary carer, being with me at all times day and night. Her respite holidays gave our relationship a shot in the arm, a new dose of news and excitement, something for us to pick over and discuss until the next one came along. Our holidays, together and apart, gave us very great happiness."